Studievereniging AKT

First Years
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ClubCollect: The New Member Platform

To log in to your personal member area, you enter the e-mail adress or phone number that’s registered at AKT. You will then receive an e-mail or phone number with a link to log in. Once logged in, you will see the home page. From here you can go to other pages.

The pages:

Home: here you can see news posts, your membership card, and the link to your personal payment page.

Gegevens/details: here you can see all the information AKT has about you, and request to change it.

Activiteiten/activities: here you can sign up for AKTivities. Please note, it doesn’t tell you if you already signed up for an AKTivity.

Foto’s/photos: all the photos will soon be transferred from the website to ClubCollect and then you can see them here.

At the news section, there will be a post dedicated to the important documents, and the PLAKT will be available here as well. The Get Started! page on the website will soon be moved here too.