Studievereniging AKT

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Hi dear AKTers!

I’m sure you’ve been there, you’re following a course and you’ve started to realise the course isn’t what it was advertised to be. Or you’ve finally written a paper, but the workload was just too much, or you believe the grading was unfair. Or it’s really none of that, and you thought the course was great, that the teachers were enthusiastic and you want to tell someone about it. We are the Curriculum Committee (Opleidingscommissie in Dutch) and we offer a listening ear. Whether it’s through filling in the course evaluations, mailing us, or talking to us in the hallways. We make sure to listen and read carefully and we make sure something genuinely happens with your remarks. To put it simply: We get shit done.

We are reachable in a number of ways:

  • You can e-mail us:
  • You can fill in the course evaluations 😉
  • And lastly, you can always contact us when you see us in the hallways

We hope to speak to you soon, and don’t be afraid to contact us!