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AKT on Stage

Stage Committee
Hello dear AKT’ers! We, Myrthe (chair), Kim (Secretary) and Rens (Treasurer) are this years AKT on Stage, here to fulfil all of your theatre dreams. We will be the ones to organise the open stage for all the talented AKT’ers plus the karaoke borrel next year. Stay tuned for the 2 other AKTivities which will both be bangers as well of course, and till the next AKT on Stage AKTivity!


Hallo, Ik am Myrthe, this year’s chair of Akt on Stage. I’m 21 years old and in my third year of the study. I love anything to do with media, but really like playing games. Recently though, I have been getting into musicals as well. At this point I’m loving and listening a lot to Epic the musical and Hadestown, two amazing shows that deal with Greek mythology (Im very excited for Hadestown getting to the Netherlands :D). Apart from this, I also really love seeing people dance. I have just started doing a bit of dance myself, and who knows, maybe we will be organise something in that dirrection this year 🙂
Bye bye, Myrthe


Hai hai! my name is Rens, and I’ll be your treasurer for this year’s Akt on Stage! This is my first year of Media and Culture doing the Dutch track, and I’m currently 18 years old. I live in the always-sunny Nieuwegein, a city right under the always-raining Utrecht. I’m really excited to organize the Akt on Stage Aktivities with our committee! Outside of my study, I enjoy watching movies and series (duhhh).  I also like sports and listening to music (trust me, you don’t want to hear me play). I’m looking forward to meeting you all at the activities!


Hai hai, its me Kim :). I’m this years secretary of AKT on Stage. Right now I’m in the screen cultures track and learning all about Television and Film! But I have always had a passion for the theatre. I still remember seeing my first musical, Ciske de Rat, and falling in love with the stage and singing, you will hear the singing part during the karaoke borrel don’t worry. If you know me personally, you probably know my obsessions with musicals like Les Miserables or Hamilton. I also love playing the piano and being on stage in general, with my favourite memory being throwing around packs of flower all over the stage and my actor friends.