Yearbook committee
Helloooo everyone and welcome to our introduction!! We’re AlmanAKT and this year we’ll make the pictures at all the AKTivities and eventually put the best (or maybe the worst :p) in the yearbook! This yearbook will have a theme which we can’t yet spoil, but be prepared for something very exciting. Some of the pictures will end up on the AKT website, and some will be exclusive to the yearbook! So make sure to buy the book once it’s released!
Hi! I’m Susan and this year I will be the chair of AlmanAKT. Currently I am in the second year of media and culture, specializing in the screen cultures in transition track. I love traveling to new places and going to concerts. When I’m out doing fun things I always try to capture the moment with my camera so that I can look back on it for years to come. That’s why I wanted to join AlmanAKT; to make sure that our best AKT memories are eternalized in a beautiful yearbook. See you at the activities!
Hey, I’m Willemijn and I am the secretary of AlmanAkt. Right now I am in my first year of media and culture and in my free time I like to watch movies, go to festivals and do fun things with my friends. I also love traveling and when I do I always make sure to make a lot of pictures so that I will always be able to remember the fun things I did. So now that I’m in AlmanAkt I will make sure to take a lot of pictures to make sure we can all remember all of the fun activities this year.
Hi, I’m Djaro and I’ll be the treasurer of Almanakt this year. I’m in my first year of Media and Culture and like basically anything related to media including movies, television, and of course photography which is why I’m happy to be in Almanakt 🙂 As the editor of Almanakt I’ll be sure to make there’s absolutely no spelling errors in the final book!
Hey hey, I’m Aileen and I am the Designer of AlmanAKT for this year. I’m a first year Media and Culture student, which basically translates that I’m interested in all sorts of media. Especially certain movies. Before the university of Utrecht I was in a school with special courses in all sorts of art. Here I fell in love with being creative, which made the choice to join AlmanAKT very easy! I’m excited to design this year’s yearbook and go to loads of AKTivities! See you at the AKTivities!!