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Year book committee

Hello everyone!!! We are AlmanAKT, and we will be making a special yearbook this year! We will be present at the AKTivities this year and take a bunch of pictures, good ones, bad ones, and, of course, embarrassing ones :). Naturally, these photos will not just be published on Codex, several will also end up in the yearbook! Some others might be exclusive for the yearbook, and if you want to find out which ones, you should definitely buy a copy once it’s available. However, we aren’t just planning on filling the yearbook with photos only, we also have a couple of other exciting plans. Sadly, we cannot yet reveal too much this early, so stay tuned. We hope to see you all at the AKTivities so we can make sure everyone ends up in the yearbook!

Hello all, I’m Herman and I am the chair of AlmanAKT for 23-24. I’m a second-year Media & Culture student and am also part of InterAKT this year. Through a complicated series of events I have also become the Oracle of AKT. I love music, movies and traveling to foreign places. I joined AlmanAKT partly as motivation to keep being active within AKT, but also to create and collect some of the most memorable moments of the year within AKT.

Hi! I’m Marley, this year’s treasurer for AlmanAKT. I’m a second-year Media & Culture student, specializing in the television track. So, of course, watching series (and also movies) is a big hobby of mine! Especially rewatching my favorite shows like Fleabag or Good Omens. I decided to join AlmanAKT, because I really enjoy taking pictures of everything and love to collect memories! I also wanted to be more active within AKT and joining this committee is really good motivation to be active, participate in AKTivities and get to know more people! So I’m stoked to be taking pictures with my fellow committee members at the AKTivities and creating a yearbook with the most memorable moments of the year to look back on.

Hi! I’m Chaeyoung, this year’s secretary of AlmanAKT. I’m a fourth-year Media & Culture student, and specialized in the screen culture track. Like my specialization, my interest and passion aligned in television series and films (like any other AKT members). Friends and How I Met Your Mother has always been my comfort shows which are always there for me whenever I cook and eat. Other than shows and films, I do have a passion for photography. I enjoy digital photography, but analogue photography really catches my eyes. One day, I would love to create my own photography portfolio because I like storing my photography in one place with a particular design/layout. That’s why I wanted to join AlmanAKT to create a 23-24’ yearbook.

Hi!, I’m Eline the designer of this year’s yearbook. I’m a second-year Media & Culture student specializing in the screen cultures in transition track. That’s why it’s no surprise that I love watching films and series and logging them on letterboxd 😉 I’m a list addict, whether it’s on Spotify, Letterboxd, or just my notes app, turning everyday moments into lasting memories. That’s why, 2 years ago, I turned the love letters of my grandparents into a children’s book! There I got a taste of the design process, and I’m excited to put those skills to use again. Pumped to design this year’s yearbook and take pictures at AKTivities with my fellow committee members. See you at the AKTivities 🙂