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Study Association AKT

First Years
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Student for a Day

This year, AKT will organise multiple “Student for a Day”-days for students who would like to take a look at what the bachelor entails. On this day, you will follow a lecture that will give you an insight into what we study and what direction you could go with it. Afterwards, there will be a short tour where you will see a few locations where you will have classes and where you will spend a lot of your time at university. Afterwards we will have lunch with all the people who joined and a few Media and Culture-students.

Does this sound fun to you? Sign up with this form and we will give you some more information about the dates, times and spaces available. Please note: it may take a while before you will receive this email, due to awaiting multiple registrations.


Let op: het kan even duren voordat je dit mailtje zal ontvangen, in verband met afwachting op meerdere inschrijvingen.